Elk Ivory Jewelry

As custom jewelry designers we have appreciated elk ivory for it s beauty and meaning.
Elk ivory jewelry. Elk ivory jewelry is the perfect way to take that memory with you. Elk ivory jewelry is available in both ladies and gents designs crafted according to the high standards of jensen ringmakers. Check back often as the line of elk tooth jewelry is growing. We produce one of a kind custom jewelry never mass produced.
The elk ivory jewelry designs on this website are made of 18 karat yellow gold and a variety of precious gemstones. Sarah can either use your own elk teeth or supply them for you. Any of these designs could be made with your elk ivories to make it a one of a kind heirloom piece in remembrance of your hunt for years to come. The jewelry exudes warmth of color is durable and very comfortable to wear.
We are consistently awed by the pleasure received in seeing another set of unique wapiti buglers and. We are consistently awed by the pleasure received in seeing another set of unique wapiti buglers and what this magnificent animal represents. This work has awarded us the privilege of connecting with sportsmen and admirers nationwide nordstrom coupon codeto spread awareness of nature s genuine art. As custom jewelry designers we have appreciated elk ivory for its beauty and meaning.
Below are just a few of sarah s popular custom elk tooth jewelry pieces. They can be purchased off the shelf using our stock of elk ivories or you can use your own elk ivories in these settings. Shop our selection of custom elk ivory jewelry or create your own. To a hunter an elk s ivory represents more then just a tooth they stand for a lifetime of hunting memories and days spent in wild country with family and friends.
We create this jewelry from recovered elk teeth commonly known as elk. If you are interested in one of these designs or have a jewelry design of your own contact us. Questions call us at 435 659 3034. The elk ivory jewelry designs below are copyrighted designs.
I also make a line of 18 karat gold wedding bands pendants and earrings without elk ivory. Elk ivory is fashioned from elk teeth which are actually remnants of prehistoric tusks and makes for spectacular jewelry especially when accented with diamonds. Please browse our quality designs. How it works select and polish your ivory design the piece that it goes on money clip ring cuff links necklace put them together our elk ivory jewelry view entire collection learn about elk tooth jewelry we live where we do because of the natural beauty that surrounds us.
Park city jewelers has more than 30 years created custom jewelry pieces from elk ivory. Each jewelry item is crafted around your ivory creating a uniquely individual keepsake. This work has awarded us the privilege of connecting with sportsmen and admirers nationwide to spread awareness of nature s genuine art. Custom designed manufactured with your ivory.
Elk ivory jewelry takes that memory with you.

Elk ivory jewelry takes that memory with you.
Elk ivory jewelry. Elk ivory jewelry is the perfect way to take that memory with you. Elk ivory jewelry is available in both ladies and gents designs crafted according to the high standards of jensen ringmakers. Check back often as the line of elk tooth jewelry is growing. We produce one of a kind custom jewelry never mass produced.
The elk ivory jewelry designs on this website are made of 18 karat yellow gold and a variety of precious gemstones. Sarah can either use your own elk teeth or supply them for you. Any of these designs could be made with your elk ivories to make it a one of a kind heirloom piece in remembrance of your hunt for years to come. The jewelry exudes warmth of color is durable and very comfortable to wear.
We are consistently awed by the pleasure received in seeing another set of unique wapiti buglers and. We are consistently awed by the pleasure received in seeing another set of unique wapiti buglers and what this magnificent animal represents. This work has awarded us the privilege of connecting with sportsmen and admirers nationwide nordstrom coupon codeto spread awareness of nature s genuine art. As custom jewelry designers we have appreciated elk ivory for its beauty and meaning.
Below are just a few of sarah s popular custom elk tooth jewelry pieces. They can be purchased off the shelf using our stock of elk ivories or you can use your own elk ivories in these settings. Shop our selection of custom elk ivory jewelry or create your own. To a hunter an elk s ivory represents more then just a tooth they stand for a lifetime of hunting memories and days spent in wild country with family and friends.
We create this jewelry from recovered elk teeth commonly known as elk. If you are interested in one of these designs or have a jewelry design of your own contact us. Questions call us at 435 659 3034. The elk ivory jewelry designs below are copyrighted designs.
I also make a line of 18 karat gold wedding bands pendants and earrings without elk ivory. Elk ivory is fashioned from elk teeth which are actually remnants of prehistoric tusks and makes for spectacular jewelry especially when accented with diamonds. Please browse our quality designs. How it works select and polish your ivory design the piece that it goes on money clip ring cuff links necklace put them together our elk ivory jewelry view entire collection learn about elk tooth jewelry we live where we do because of the natural beauty that surrounds us.
Park city jewelers has more than 30 years created custom jewelry pieces from elk ivory. Each jewelry item is crafted around your ivory creating a uniquely individual keepsake. This work has awarded us the privilege of connecting with sportsmen and admirers nationwide to spread awareness of nature s genuine art. Custom designed manufactured with your ivory.